We’re in the News!

Events2 Breaking NewsWe’re absolutely delighted to announce that Chris Walls our MD has been shortlisted for the MIAList 2021.

A Panel will interview the shortlisted candidates during August with the decision being announced in November 2021 at a Gala Dinner held in London by the MIA.

Simply to be nominated and shortlisted is a huge honour and privilege for Chris and is independent recognition of Chris’ efforts.

Chris was nominated for his work with the Alliance of Independent Event Agencies (AIEA).

During the pandemic Chris helped many of the members with the myriad of problems thrown up by the unprecedented circumstances created by the pandemic. Many were facing huge cancellation issues and/ or grant funding. He helped the members work their way through the problems, offering advice e, guidance and solutions. A conservative estimate suggests that he helped members recover or gain approximately £250k of revenue.

Chris was subsequently also elected as the Vice-Chairman of the Alliance, taking office in January 2021 and automatically becoming Chairman in 2023.

Chris is working with Chair, Kerry Walsh, to help reshape and strengthen the Alliance as we return to the world of Live UK & International Events.