The Client wanted to boost end of year sales. We designed a programme that effectively paid for itself through incrementally generated profit. The key was that, the more the sales team delivered, the better the reward.

The programme was launched with the promise of at least a weekend in Paris for the top 30 performers that beat targets. Additional stretch targets were announced that delivered bigger prizes for the winners as they beat the targets.

The team eventually exceeded the targets by so much that we were able to provide a reward that included a trip for the top 30 performers and their partners to Vancouver and Whistler!

The group flew from heathrow into Vancouver and after a short rest were whisked off to be guests of honour at an Ice Hockey match. Seats provided in a private box.

Guests were greeted upon their return to the bedroom with an invitition attached to an inflatable whale in the bath saying ‘see you in the morning!’. The invite was actually to a private breakfast with the Beluga Whales at the Vancouver Aquarium!

The suprises continued with a change of venue and climate, a short coach ride toom the group to the top of a mountain on the outskirts of Vancouver and the first taste real snow!

That evening the group transferred in a convoy of 4×4 vehicles up the West Coast to the Olympic Ski Resort of Whistler. The group took part in their own ‘Olympic Challenge’ at the top of the mountain – a series of fun games and relays and over the next 24 hours took ski lessons, husky driving, snow mobiling and even heliskiing. One of the highlights was an evening trip up a deserted mountain in a torchlit procession of snow mobiles to a private dinner in a mountain top lodge!

The Gala Dinner took place at the Jack Nicklaus Golf Club, obcviously at this time closed due to course conditions ie 6 foot of snow!!

A fantastic and unforgettable treat for all involved!!

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